Collection Management

A digital solution for optimising recovery with extensive configuration and integration possibilities to lower risk.

Collecting cash from customers is critical to the success and well-being of every business. It is vital that organisations optimise working capital and cashflow to operate effectively and focus on growth.

The Contact Collection System is a CRIF solution that provides comprehensive and effective debt collection management. The solution enables financial institutions to improve the efficiency of debt management through the structured strategy management, the control and monitoring of strategy implementation and the ability to automate routine processes and rules.

By combining business process automation, broad integration capabilities, the practical management of work strategies, a user-friendly interface, a reporting system, and the necessary security tools, the Contact Collection System allows you to automate and control all stages of collection management - from portfolio analysis, segmentation, strategy development to the execution of planned actions and the tracking of results.

Improve Cashflow and Build Better Customer Relationships

Automating debt collection through strategic planning can benefit your business, deliver results faster, and reduce operation costs.

Ability to build a unified data exchange system with all partners, guaranteeing a high level of information security and transparency.

Ability to build a unified data exchange system with all partners, guaranteeing a high level of information security and transparency.

Reduce collection costs by eliminating repetitive processes through automation, reducing the dependency on human resources.

Reduce collection costs by eliminating repetitive processes through automation, reducing the dependency on human resources.

Organisation of the work of call centre operators (soft collection), and the field collectors using a mobile application (hard collection).

Build a unified data exchange system with all partners, guaranteeing a high level of information security and transparency.

Systematic legal prosecution algorithm (Legal).

Systematic legal prosecution algorithm (Legal).

Application of strategies for delinquent asset management.

Application of strategies for delinquent asset management.

Bulk mail generation (letters, SMS, email, social networks).

Bulk mail generation (letters, SMS, email, social networks).

Data export/import and customer settlements.

Data export/import and customer settlements.

Mobility in managing business processes in general.

Mobility in managing business processes in general.

Key Features

The following features of the Contact Collection System can significantly increase the efficiency of the collection process.

Organisation of the collection process, based on a complete customer profile, and considering all customer accounts.

Organisation of the collection process, based on a complete customer profile, and considering all customer accounts.

Configuration and use of adaptable collection strategies and segmentation techniques.

Configuration and use of adaptable collection strategies and segmentation techniques.

Distribution of cases with the option to assign accounts to operators according to a combination of factors (operator skill level, current load distribution, customer profile, location data, historical data).

Distribution of cases with the option to assign accounts to operators according to a combination of factors (operator skill level, current load distribution, customer profile, location data, historical data).

Dynamic construction of scripts.

Dynamic construction of scripts.

Complex tracking and monitoring of actions, with full control of operators’ and customers’ KPIs.

Complex tracking and monitoring of actions, with full control of operators’ and customers’ KPIs.